Friday, November 1, 2013

The Visionary Mind of The New Breed Leaders

     Imagination comes from the word image which means to picture in your mind or to visualize something new, and you will need to use your imagination if you are going to develop a successful Business on the net.
Here’s how this concept works. You see something on the net, a product or a piece of software and you like what it does, but you say to yourself, ‘What if it was able to do this or that with it and it sure would make my life easier.’

     For example; you might want to add two or three functions to this piece of software that would help you do what you want to do, but it would do it so much faster and easier. Chances are there might be a large number of people, just like you, who want the same things, and bingo; you have a brand new product on your hands that you can sell.
This is known as the “what if” proposition.
 You look at something.
 You like it. And it excites you
 But you know it could be better, if it just did xxx…

     Here’s another example. You are looking around the internet for something to make your marketing life easier and more profitable, and you can’t find it so…
 You put your imagination to work.
 You invent it or create it.
 Now you have another new product you can sell.

     You see, your imagination is limitless and so are the products you can create with it.
Norman Vincent Peal, the father of positive thinking said a very profound thing… “What the mind of man can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.” This is an extremely powerful statement. The only thing I would change to it is… What the mind of man can conceive and believe, really believe, it can achieve. Many people say they believe they can do something but never take action on their belief. You only really believe something when you act on it. Until then it is just an idea. When you really believe something is possible, no power on earth can stop you acting on it and no power on earth can stop you from achieving your goals and dreams.

     If you think visualization is not all that important check out this fascinating study. A study conducted by Dr. Blaslotto at the University of Chicago was done where he split people into three groups and tested each group on how many free throws they could make. After this, he had the first group practice free throws every day for an hour. The second group just visualized themselves making free throws. The third group did nothing. After 30 days, he tested them again. The first group improved by 24%. The second group improved by 23% without touching a basketball! The third group did not improve which was expected.
Visualization is extremely important!

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