Friday, October 4, 2013
Building Childhood Confidence with Emotional Intelligence (Encouragement)
Cupid D. Atkins
One of the most important skills for
improving the relationship between parents and children is encouragement.
Encouragement is the process whereby you focus on the positive characteristics and
strengths of your child to build self-confidence and self-esteem. If we are to
be leaders in our communities we need to first become leaders in our own homes.
Our families are an image of “US” and it is up to “US” to become more if we
expect more. Becoming more doesn’t just mean financial security but using
emotional intelligence to safeguard our families against life’s struggles. Encouragement
helps your children believe themselves and their abilities. Encouraging our
children also builds a better relationship with your children. Fathers who
realistically and honestly encourage their children helps their children
develop the courage they need to fail at things, but to get back up and try, or
learn what their strengths are and except them with confidence.
Breed of Fathers
As a New Breed Father we
must know who we are and our capabilities in an attempt to mandate an aura of
harmony within our households. Knowing who we are helps “US” to understand
where we need improving in terms personal growth and the steps it will take to
get “US” there. If we don’t understand our own strengths and weaknesses we
cannot understand others. As a man, you are the leader of your families and
being a good leader is to practice what you preach. Your life partner and
children are watching you even when you don’t notice. Practicing what you
preach convey quality to what we teach. Let your actions communicate love, strength,
and courage.
Household Governments
There are 3 major government
systems that are evident within a majority of American households, they are;
Monarchy, Authoritarian, and Democracy. In a monarchy household we the rewards
and punishments are carved in stone and children already know what to expect
when receiving disciplines.
In an authoritarian system,
children receives their sense and worth by accepting rewards and punishments from
those in position of power
I a democracy household,
each situation is judged separately and children are usually influenced by encouragements.
A New Breed of Leaders
Helping your children
build their feelings of self-esteem may require you to change your usual
communication and behavior patterns. Instead of focusing putting too much
emphasis on your child’s negative points concentrate on the good ones. Let them
know how proud of them for doing what they did well. This is a more positive
approach for helping your child correct their wrongs. Focusing on the inadequacies
causes them to feel inadequate and give up trying.
When we say to our
children, you should … we are actually talking down, criticizing, distrusting,
and saying we are better and they are not good enough.
We all want the best for
our children, but while our intentions are great our techniques are not always
portraying love. Although, we are trying to help them grow more responsible we
are demanding perfection and we are not perfect ourselves. Therefore we are talking
Often our day-to-day relationships
with our children do not match our honorable intentions and ideals, and there
is a reason for this. Our society has influenced “US” to be experts at finding
fault, to expect the worst, and to be discouraging toward ourselves and our
children, but we don’t have to perpetuate this discouraging cycle. We can
replace it! With deprogramming we can replace our old ways learning into A New
Breed of Leadership ideals, attitudes, and behaviors.
Within this article
series we can learn to build purpose, healthy relationships, foster trust, generate
integrity, establish balance, master influence, forge community, and inspire
authenticity. We will learn how strengthening our Body, Mind, and Spirit we
call change our lives; cultural, social, political, community, and economic circumstances. We are
The New Breed Leaders-We are A New Age
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