Saturday, November 2, 2013

Dawn of The New Breed Leaders

     No matter your position, circumstance, or opportunities in life, you always have the free will of mind to choose how you experience, interpret, and, ultimately, shape your own reality. If you can believe this revelation, then you can strategically choose and create a better a more self-manifested life.

     The power of attraction teaches "US" that if we ask for a vision, believe in what we ask for will be ours, then we will receive the tangible product of our vision. We just have to get consciously focused on a target that we aim. Success burns like a raging fire if we can reignite the imagination we had as a child. I believe this to be true, more today, than ever in human lifetime, and not just at a philosophical level but at a very practical physical level as well. I have learned that; our minds are far more powerful than even we can ever dream. Stronger than the very brain, from which it dwells, and we can claim and harness this power by exercising certain human drives that we all possess. Vision and Imagination is at the core.

     The 3 questions that we all will someday ask ourselves, when we face our final destination here, is; "Did I truly lived the life that I wanted, Did I mattered to enough people whom love me, and Did I make a difference, in this dimension of the universe?" A Soul-Shaking truth, to say the least, but we all long to be meaningful. It is time that we begin to meditate on these three questions, and live the fullness according to plan, and do the things that really matter in life. We are all very special spirits, and possess unique talents that separates "US" from others. Know matter what you may think, or who you are; "You Matter!"

     Stand up and take charge. Live according to will. Stop thinking too much and practice being in action mode. Don't allow ego to get in the way of success. Don't allow fear to oppress you. But first, you must have a plan, because if we fail to plan, then we plan to fail. This is our life and this is our hour of redemption. "We are The New Breed Leaders"

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