The second trumpet has sounded and evil has shown it's ugly face and it has become more clearer who the enemy is, and what he represents. The beast has been spotted in Ferguson, Missouri wearing a badge with the name peace written on it. Make no mistake about it, this creature does not represent peace, but destruction and death. He lie, kill and steal. He's a wolf in sheep clothing whose only purpose is to destroy you and I.
He is laughing at you and making a mockery of your face calling you a demon to divert the attention away from his true identity. His strength is in the numbers and his power is in your ignorance. He's laughing at you every-time you take the your anger and rage out on a car or inanimate structure. He's laughing at you every-time you destroy your own home or cut off your nose to spite your face. He's laughing, because you are not a threat to him, but to yourselves. It's time for A New Breed of Leaders to arise from the very ground where we have laid to rest our dead.
Wake Up, my brothers!? It's time to live for a cause and a purpose that goes far beyond our individual lives. We are on the Human Stage performing for God. A challenge has been given "US" to lead "US" to the place for which we have been searching for 2000 years. It's time to be the men that we where designed to be. Abandon your unsubtle ways and adopt an attitude of pride and brotherhood.
Identify! Who the enemy is. Identify! With one another. Identify! Are we just alive? Identify! What the truth looks and sounds like. Whose version of what happened on that fatal day feels more real to you?
This Is The Gathering,
Cupid D. Atkins